Victoria Birch Vandeplas is a sound healer, crystal healer, Reiki master, and Kundalini yoga teacher, who is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience with others. Victoria has been helping people heal and transform through her unique blend of healing modalities, both online and in person.

Victoria's love for sound healing and yoga has taken her to many different parts of the world, but India holds a special place in her heart. Over the course of multiple stays, she spent over two years there, studying and teaching sound healing and yoga, and has been deeply influenced by the ancient wisdom and practices of the Himalayas and beyond.

With a gentle and compassionate approach, Victoria creates a safe and supportive space for her clients to explore their inner worlds and connect with their higher selves. Whether you're seeking healing, spiritual growth, or simply a deeper sense of peace and relaxation, Victoria's teachings and healing sessions can help you on your journey.

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  • SVARAM Integral Sound Healing Training with Aurelio Hammer, Auroville, India

  • Shakti Sound Bath Training and Apprenticeship with Ana Netanel, Los Angeles

  •  Usui Reiki 1, 2 and Master with Sat Devbir Singh, Los Angeles

  • Crystal Academy with Sat Devbir Singh, Los Angeles

  • Golden Bridge Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, India

  • Khalsa Way Prenatal Teacher Training with Gurmukh, Los Angeles

  • Yoga for Real Seniors, Los Angeles

  • Advanced Kundalini Yoga Teacher training with Amandeep Singh, Ladakh, India

  • 200 hour YogaWorks Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, New York


I had the blessing of participating in Victoria’s beautiful, outdoor sound bath. I was overwhelmed with positive energy the moment I sat down to begin the ceremony. My intention was tranquility: a sense of calm and stillness. I very quickly settled into my space and it began. At the end, when I came back to myself and my surroundings, I truly felt a renewed sense of balance, warmth, and openness. Among many benefits, soundbaths have allowed for trapped feelings, stressors, and energies to vibrate from deep within myself and to reemerge to the surface. I am so thankful for this practice and the opportunity to look within so I may continue down the path of growth and returning to my truest self.
Victoria is an incredibly intuitive healer and an adept reader of energy. Her sensitivity, delicate touch and elegance make for both a humble force and powerful channel. We trained as kundalini yoga teachers together in India, but it was a greater joy to become her student and to experience her teachings. Her crystal healings and sound work have taken my soul on numerous journeys, and her in-depth knowledge and inquisitive mind always provide for both intellective and spiritual discussions afterwards.
This beautiful lightworker has helped me raise my vibration on a weekly basis. Thank you for sharing your magic with me and making me and this world a better place.
— Leah, Los Angeles
I felt Victoria’s sound bath very intensely. It was like a symphony but ambient. Like a soundtrack, but one that you quickly remove from your consciousness and experience through subconscious. Most of the time I was not even aware of the music. It was an amazing transporting experience.
Victoria taught me her school of Kundalini Yoga and she took my breath away—figuratively—so powerful was the experience. And this considering I have been practicing yoga for many many years, having started as a teenager. Victoria is a wonderful person to be around and her spiritual hunger is truly amazing to observe and enviable.